A year has 365 dactils, it can be divided on 4 figures. The list of figures in order are Point, Line, Triangle and Square.
Each figure has 91 dactils, or in the same way, 9 biquiros and 1 solar dactil.
Each biquiro is made by 10 dactils, with names in the following order: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Moon, Mars, Jupyter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluton.
We suggest a work system of three consecutive dactils, followed by one rest dactil. After three consecutive dactils and ending with thre rest dactils.
Also, each year has one Soul day, which is the half dactil of the year, it doesn't belong to any figure.
If there is a leap year, there is a soulmate dactil after the soul dactil.